The San Juan Discovery development is an intentional multigenerational living community. This Planned Unit Development incorporates an inclusionary housing model with single-family and multifamily residential areas. Green building methods will be used to maximize economic and environmental performance. A farm, art building, and culinary facility with a robust commercial center will support the community. This multifaceted project creates a place that will celebrate life and provide opportunities for growth, within a well-designed environment for living, working and playing.
Project Goals
1. Create a holistic master plan that includes a net zero and sustainable approach to a cohesive intergenerational community. Incorporate various housing types and models with a mixed-use commercial district while maintaining open green spaces for private and public use.
2. Use low impact development and construction techniques to honor and preserve the environment, natural topography, trees, wildlife habitat, boulders and other natural amenities.
3. Promote green building methods using new technological innovations to maximize economic and environmental performance. Include best practices for passive solar efficiency, solar energy, rainwater harvesting and reuse, grey water systems, green roofs, bioswales, rain gardens, onsite composting and well water use.
4. Establish both green spaces with active water features to include a community farm, SFR open area, amphitheater / multipurpose space, and pathways through the edible landscape.
5. Use topography and building massing to create intermediate spaces, microclimates, wind shelter and noise reduction.
6. Buildings are to be integrated into the surrounding landscape and elegantly blend with neighborhood vernacular and scale.
7. Create a safe, walkable and bike friendly community by ensuring clear pedestrian access and connections between the new development and surrounding communities, identify bicycle routes and contribute to improved vehicular activity.
8. Use of innovative street design to slow speeds and create safe pedestrian environments to include creative parking, narrow streets and pedestrian pathways in lieu of streets.
9. Provide covered multi-use gathering spaces such as a community barn, farm gazebo, residential covered outdoor space, stage/picnic pavilion for public gathering space.
10. Provide for formal community participation prior to submission of PUD application.